Faro . Algarve . Portugal
Access to the event will follow and respect the guidelines established by our host - Teatro das Figuras.
This competition is open to:
1. Categories and levels
1.1. Competitors may participate in one or both of the following CATEGORIES:
1.2. There are four age LEVELS:
1.3. In the Duet/Trio and Group Category the age of the oldest competitor determines the level in which the duet/trio competes.
1.4. The organisation reserves the right to alter the levels, in accordance with the number of dancers in competition, joining two levels together or dividing a level with many competitors into two.
2. Trials
2.1. SOLOIST (S) category
Participation in the Soloist category has a limited number of places, which is why candidates are subject to a pre-selection process. Candidates should submit the pre-selection registration form and a video of the classical ballet piece to be performed at the competition, from 28th of October 2023 to 10th of January 2024.
They should also pay the pre-selection fee (20€) via bank transfer. A copy of the confirmation of transfer should be sent by email to secretaria@dancarte.org.
Selected candidates will be announced at the beginning of February 2023. They must complete their registration until 15th February 2024.
Competitors must perform two different choreographies:
Level 1 - a classical ballet choreography, in soft ballet shoes, and a contemporary choreography, with a maximum duration of 1’30’’each choreography.
Level 2 - a classical ballet choreography or a classical repertoire variation*, and a contemporary choreography, with a maximum duration of 2’00’’each choreography.
Level 3 and 4 - a classical repertoire variation*, in pointe shoes, and a contemporary choreography, with a maximum duration of 2’00’’each choreography.
*See list of variations.
In the classical ballet choreography, the use of pointe shoes is not permitted in level 1, is optional in level 2, but it is obligatory in all other levels. In level 1, the repertoire variations are not permitted.
In the contemporary choreography, pointe ballet shoes are not permitted and contemporary dance techniques should be used, with vocabulary that is clearly distinct from classical ballet.
The competitors final score will be based on the average score obtained from both choreographies, which will determine the attribution of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes.
2.2. DUET/TRIO category and GROUP category
Registration in all styles is permitted.
Within the same style and category, a competitor can register several times, as long as registration occurs in different age levels.
The styles in competition are:
The maximum duration of the choreographies is as follows:
Level 1 - 2’00’’
Level 2 - 2’00’’
Level 3 - 2’30’’
Level 4 - 2’30’’
Level 1 - 2’30’’
Level 2 - 2’30’’
Level 3 - 3’00’’ (*)
Level 4 - 3’00’’ (*)
Pointe ballet shoes can only be used in BALLET style. The use of pointe ballet shoes is not permitted in age level 1 and is optional in all other age levels.
Choreographies using classical repertoire are strictly reserved to age levels 2, 3 and 4, however repertoire choreographies are not obligatory in these levels.
(*) Exception for Character style: 3'30''.
3. Choreographies
3.1. Performing repeated choreographies should be avoided. Each school can not present the same choreography more than twice, in the same or different age levels and categories.
3.2. A competitor may not participate in a choreography which he/she performed the year before.
3.3. The use of props is subject to previous approval by the organisation, during the registration process. Props that cannot be carried by the performers themselves and are larger than a standard sized chair, are not allowed, as well as props/costumes that identify the competing school.
3.4. Choreographies that go beyond ruled time limits will be disqualified. Choreographic moments that occur without music will be counted as part of the choreography's duration.
4. Evaluation
4.1. In addition to other criteria determined by the jury, competitors will be judged on the following:
4.2. Competitors will be classified on a scale of 0 to 100 points. In order to award 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize competitors must obtain 75 or above points.
4.3. In the event that the jury decide not to attribute any or one of the prizes, this decision is of their responsibility alone.
1. This competition is aimed to contemporary solos, duets or small groups (up to a maximum of 6 participants) with a minium duration of 2' and a maximum of 4’. In order to register the choreographer has to fill in the registration form on the website and submit it from 1st of January until the 15th of February 2024.
2. There is no age limit for the choreographer. The interpreters can be any dancer, aged between 8 and 25 years old, who can either be a competitor or not in the dancers' competition. The choreographer can be the interpreter, if he/she is 25 years old or under.
3. Competing choreographies should be original creations and should use contemporary dance techniques. The theme and music are the choreographer’s choice. Choreographic moments that occur without music will be counted as part of the choreography's duration. Choreographies that go beyond time limit (4') will be disqualified.
4. In addition to other criteria to be defined by the jury, the choreographies will be evaluated taking into account originality, theme, the musical choice and the choreographies structure.
5. Choreographic pieces that compete in the Choreographers Contest cannot compet in Dancers Contest, even if it is a different duration.
6. Each choreographer can submit an unlimited number of choreographies. The choreographer is not allowed to compete with choreographies he/she has presented in previous editions.
7. The choreographer author of the best contemporary solo will be awarded with a monetary prize.
Music should be sent by the 10th March 2024 to musica@dancarte.org.
The “subject” of the email should refer:
a) Soloist: name of the competitor + dance title
b) Duet/Trio and Group: name of the school + dance title
c) Choregrapher: name of the choreographer + choreography title
Each email should only contain one music, in mp3 format and the following information:
*C – First the COMPETITOR enters on stage; M – First the MUSIC begins
With regards to the duration of the music, a maximum of 5 seconds will be tolerated, beyond the time limit, but only to allow for the musical phrase to finish.
There is no tolerance time when part of the choreography happens without music. In this case, when the music is sent, the organization must be informed of the duration of the part without music.
It is not permitted to use music with improper language.
The competition’s jury will comprise of three or more representatives, highly recognized in merit of the dance community.
The Jury’s decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
Jury members cannot judge their own school competitors.
1. Registration should be made online via the website from 1st of January until 15th February 2024.
2. Registration will only be considered complete if it has the following elements:
If any of the above elements is missing, is incorrect or not filled out properly, the act of registration will not be accepted. In this situation the school will be informed via email (the one defined on the registration form) that the registration has been considered invalid and that it will not be subject to appeal or contest.
Registration Fee: 30€ (applicable to both competitions)
Dancers’ competition
Choreographers’ competition
“Choreography Prize" – 1000€. Will be awarded to the author of the best contemporary choreography of the choreographers competition.
"Best soloist", "Best Duet/Trio" and "Best Group" – 750€ each. In each one of these categories, the winner is chosen by all the members of the jury among the 1st prize winners of the various levels and styles regardless of the mark previously achieved.
“Contemporary Interpretation Prize” – 500€. Will be awarded to the competitor who shows exceptional potential in the area of contemporary dance.
“Classical Interpretation Prize” – 500€. Will be awarded to the competitor who shows exceptional potential in classical dance.
The jury may decide not to award a prize in particular or to divide one of the prizes between more than one competitors.
It is the jury and the organising committee that decide which competing dances will perform in the Gala (Children and Junior). The order of presentation is also decided by the jury and organising committee and the Gala will be held at the “Teatro das Figuras”.
Competitors should be insured against injury or illness.
The organisation declines any responsibility for accidents that may occur during the competition and/or for the theft or loss of personal property.
Video recording and photography is strictly forbidden during the competition. Photographs and audio-visual recordings will be carried out by the companies/enterprises hired by the organisation, which will have to wear proper identification in the competition area.
Participation in the competition automatically implies agreement to being recorded/filmed. The organisation reserves the right to use these images/videos for commercial and promotional ends.
Registration, once accepted and valid, may be cancelled at any time by the organisation, without notice and with immediate effects, whenever a competitor, members of a school or supporters behave in such a manner that disrupts the normal functioning of the competition. Examples of such behaviour would be lack of respect and mistreatment of any member of the organisation, member of the jury or fellow competitor.
Registration can also be cancelled by the organisation in cases where these rules and regulations, as well as the norms of the "competition procedure" are not upheld by competitors, members of schools and supporters. The "competition procedure" is sent to participating schools after acceptance of their registration.
The cancelling of a registration will be communicated verbally or by email to the teacher responsible for the competitor/school and is not subject to complaint or contest. The fees will not be returned nor will any costs and expenses be paid and/or compensated.
Registration in the competition automatically implies acceptance of the present rules and regulations, as well as all of the norms.
Any matter omitted in the present rules and regulations will be decided upon by the organisation.
The list of repertoire variations follows. Please note that, from this list, only are allowed variations whose duration does not exceed 2'00":