Algarve International Dance Competitions


Faro . Algarve . Portugal


1. General Information

The Representing Teacher is the liaison for the school and responsible for guarantying compliance with all the rules and regulations.

Reception of competitors and their respective teachers will occur on the date and time scheduled with each School. Competitors and teachers should make sure that they have their documents of identification (ID card, Citizen’s Card or Passport).

There will be no time for rehearsal or stage spacing.

Access to backstage is only permitted for competitors that are in competition. Competitors of level 1 and 2 may be accompanied by a teacher.

Competitors and the general public must buy a ticket from the theatre ticket office if they wish to watch the competition trials.

Entering and exiting the auditorium will only be permitted during the interval of competition sessions. It is forbidden to applaud competitors during and at the end of trials.

All competitors who receive 1st place will perform in the Winners Gala. Some of the competitors who receive 2nd and 3rd place may be selected by the Jury to present their choreographies. At the end of the Gala - Junior, special prizes will be awarded.

The Winners Gala is open to the general public, who must purchase a ticket from the theatre ticket office.

Teatro das Figuras Ticket Office:

2. Program 2024


23th MARCH, Saturday

09:00/13:00 - Check-in - Teatro Municipal de Faro - Foyer

09:30 - WELCOME SESSION - Teatro Municipal de Faro – Foyer

10:30 - Meeting Jury / Organization

10:30 – Dressing room’s access

11:00/11:30 – Warm-up class - 30 min. (S1)

11:30/11:45 - Stage view

12:00 - Contest Opening

12:15 - Soloists, Level 1 (classical and contemporary variation)

12:50 - Break

14:00 - Dressing room’s access

14:30/15:00 - Warm-up class 30 min. (S2)

15:00/15:15 - Stage view

15:30 - Soloists, Level 2 – (classical and contemporary variation)

16:30 - Break

16:30/16:40 - Stage view

16:45 - Groups, Level 1 and 2

17:45 - End of competition


24th March, Sunday

08:30 - Dressing room’s access

09:00/09:15 – Stage view

09:30 - Duets/Trios, Level 1 and 2

10:30 - Break

10:45/10:55 – Stage view

11:00 - Groups, Level 3 and 4 (ballet, tap, character)

11:45 - Break

13:00 - Dressing room’s access

13:30/13:45 - Stage view

14.00 - Groups, Level 3 and 4 (contemporary, jazz, hip-hop)

15:00 - End of competition

15:00/17:45 - Masterclasses (espaço.d /Teatro das Figuras)

18:15 - Results Children’s Contest


25th MARCH, Monday

08:30 - Dressing room’s access

09:00/09:30 - Warm-up class 30 min. (S3 e S4)

09:30/09:45 - Stage view

10:00 - Soloists, Level 3 and 4 (classical variation)

11:00 - Break

11:15 - Soloists, Level 3 and 4 (contemporary variation)

12:45 - End of competition

14.30/17:30 - Masterclasses - (espaço.d /Teatro das Figuras)

19:30 - Dressing room’s access

20:00 - Warm-up (small auditorium)



26th MARCH, Tuesday

08:30 - Dressing room’s access

09:15/09:25 - Stage view

09:30 - Duets/Trios, Level 3 and 4

10:15 - Break

10:30/10:40 - Stage view

10:45 - Choreographers Competition

11:15 - End of competition

12:30 – Results Junior’s Contest

14:30/18:00 - Masterclasses (Espaço.d /Teatro das Figuras)

18:00 - End of competition

19:00 - Dinner (jury, organization and guest teachers)

19:30 - Dressing room’s access

20:00 - Warm-up (small auditorium)




Participants will be given the opportunity to participate free of charge in the masterclasses identified below with the competition judges and guest teachers, however, it will be necessary to register via a Google form:

Registration will take place from March 18 to 22, 2024.

The organization reserves the right to adjust the number of masterclasses presented below based on the registrations received.

Masterclasses have a maximum capacity defined according to the capacity of the space where they will take place.







DAY 24 Sunday


15:00-16:00 - Classic - Level 1 - Filipe Macedo

16:15-17:45 - Classic - Level 2 - Filipe Macedo

DAY 25 Monday

14:30-16:00 - Classic - Level 3-4 Cynthia Harvey

16:00-17:30 - Classic - Level 3-4 Fernando Coelho

14:30-16:00 - Contemporary - Level 2 Roberto Altamura

14:30-16:00 - Classic - Level 2 - Dimitri Magitov

16:00-17:30 - Classic - Level 3-4 Carlos Pinillos

DAY 26 Tuesday

14:30-16:00 - Classic - Level 3-4 Fernando Coelho

16:00-17:30 - Classic - Level 3-4 Cynthia Harvey

16:00-17:30 - Contemporary - Level 3-4 Roberto Altamura

14:30-16:00 - Contemporary Level 2 Daniel Cardoso

16:00-17:30 - Classic - Level 3-4 - Dimitri Magitov

16:15-17:45 - Contemporary - Level 3-4 Daniel Cardoso

16:00-17:30 - Classic - Level 2  Carlos Pinillos

Level 1 (8-10 years old) / Level 2 (11-13 years old) / Level 3 (14-16 years old) / Level 4 (17-25 years old)

Note: Free registration via Google form available on the DANCARTE website from 03/18/2024 until 03/22/2024. The masterclasses presented here may be adjusted based on the registrations received. Number of participants subject to room capacity limit.

4. Travel and accommodation

If you need accommodation or transfer, please contact Maria da Fé Cunha, e-mail: 

Título: Email - Descrição: email-icon

or phone: Título: Mobile - Descrição: mobile-icon +351 961 038 850 Título: phone - Descrição: phone-icon +351 289 828 970

5. Meals

Recommended restaurants near the Theater:

Self Service D. Afonso I

Lunch and dinner.

Menu: soup, main course (fish or meat), soft drink, desert or fruit

Price for competitors and teachers: 8,00€

Reservations - Telephone number: +351 932 254 647

Address: Av. Calouste Gulbenkian, near the pedestrian bridge

Pingo Doce

Forum Algarve



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